Onderzoeksgroep Herstel & Verslaving – Vakgroep Orthopedagogiek // Universiteit Gent
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On Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 7:00 PM, the annual Recovery College will take place for the third time at Ghent University. With the Recovery College, we aim to bring experiential knowledge to the forefront and help break the stigma surrounding addiction and recovery.

This year, we welcome Jolande Bastiaans from the Netherlands. Jolande is a journalist and magazine creator and has been in recovery from alcohol addiction for nearly 20 years. Around sixteen years ago, she founded Lef Magazine, a publication for people in recovery from addiction and/or eating disorders, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals in this field. The main goal of Lef Magazine is to reduce stigma and provide a platform for people with addiction so that more individuals seek help sooner.

After Jolande Bastiaans' lecture, there will be a performance by the writing and storytelling collective of Victoria Deluxe. Drawing from their experiences with psychological vulnerability, recovery, and mental healthcare, this collective focuses on "Lof Der Zotheid" (In Praise of Folly). They sometimes have answers to life’s challenges—but often, they do not. Recovery is about both laughter and tears—sometimes at the same time. The performances by the Storytelling Workshop (Vertelatelier) range from wild collages to tender touches, from harsh reflections to deeply moving experiences.

Who is it for?

Recovery is a topic that touches many people. We welcome anyone interested in the subject, including people in recovery and their loved ones, practitioners, policymakers, and students.


You can register until March 18 via:

📌 General registration: [this link]
📌 Students: [this link]
📌 Peer support workers (free): Send an email to orthopedagogiek@ugent.be

Research group

Herstel & Verslaving

Department of Special Needs Education

Website by COMCOMR
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